The way I create my wool artworks is quite different to the more traditional wet felted methods that are more widely used .

Firstly I have my own  flock so I use my fleece straight from the sheep which enables me to get a more unusual characteristic feel to my work and   I also dye my own wool so  this allows me to add more subtle shades by blending different base colours .

I love using my own Shetland fleece which is so soft and fine and has tiny crimps and curls all used to add character to my images.

My Hebridean fleece is beautiful , long and  ranges  from black to brown through to the  sun bleached tips of wool which are very pale blonde .

My images are created by using dry fleece laid onto a painted backboard .

I do not draw or paint my image first .I simply comb and blend my coloured fleece as I work building up my picture in layers like a painting as I go along.

It is a long slow process and my larger portraits can take me hours working each day for a couple of weeks .

When my image has reached a stage at which I am satisfied then I place glass over the finished piece and complete using one of my own custom made solid wood frames which are also made on site by us .I favour black frames but on request natural wood can be an option.

The wool artwork although  not 'felted ' is completely secure and will never move when finally framed .

These wool artworks are safely shipped all over the world .